Foster Page

Medical care is paid by Furbaby Rescue while the pet is in foster care.  Any medical care must be pre-approved prior to scheduling an appointment.  You will be required to schedule appointments, as well as transporting your foster to pre-approved veterinarian that provides services for Furbaby Rescue.  You are responsible to pay for any medical costs that are not pre-approved or necessary.

Furbaby Rescue Foster Application - PLEASE COMPLETE ALL FIELDS

Home Info

If you rent, are pets allowed?

Is your yard, or a portion of your yard, securely fenced?

Are the pets in your household spayed/neutered?

Are the pets in your household up to date on vaccinations?

Are you within the animal number limits for your area if you add a foster pet to your home?

Preferred gender of foster pet

Preferred age of foster pet

Preferred size of foster pet

Are you willing to foster a pet with special needs?

Are you willing to foster a pet with a history of neglect/abuse?

Are you willing to foster a pet with behavior problems that requires special training??

Are you willing to foster a pet that's not housebroken or litter box trained?

All of the information I have provided is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Should a Furbaby Rescue animal be placed with me, it will reside in my home as a pet. I agree to provide the pet with adequate food, water, shelter, affection and medical care.

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